White Lady Black Sons - Part 1 & 2

Brooklyn Savvy talks with author Lisa Richesson and her son, John Boles to discuss her book White Lady, Black Sons. They talk about their family, relationships and circumstances that shaped them into who they are today. In her book, Richesson highlights her real life experience with relationships, race, neglect, abuse, failed dreams, endurance and reconciliations. Join us as Toni Williams and the panelist unravel this painful story.

On part two of this episode, we continue the tragic story of the domestic violence author Lisa Richesson and her son experienced.  The group explore reasons why this abused was endured and the obstacles faced when trying to move forward. If you have friends or loved ones who are in an abusive relationship and don’t understand what they see, this episode will shed light on their perspective and offer insight for those who would like to help.

How to Develop a Healthy Self-Esteem

Deborah Blumenthal, author of A Different Me joins the Brooklyn Savvy panel to discuss her book and the challenges young teenage girls face with self-image. With plastic surgery and beauty enhancement becoming the norm, it’s no secret that these young girls see plastic surgery as the way to go. Blumenthal share a some ideas on how to discuss self-esteem. Watch this episode to learn about more about Deborah’s book A Different Me. and how women can find beauty in themselves.

Happy Brain, Happy Life

For many of us, life can be demanding and difficult. Just when there seems to be noway out, Wendy Suzuki joins the group to reveal the easiest and most scientific way to get the best out of your life - exercising and a good diet. Not only does this help physically, but this method is proven to create better memory and higher attention span, put you in a better mood and gives you that boost of energy and motivation you always wanted. The keys to a happy brain and a happier life starts with your mind and body connection. Tune in to see how this helped Wendy become the best she can be in many areas of her life.